Want to know something not mentioned here? Email me at the address given on the Help Out page.

I have a Tamagotchi already featured on the site, but it says "Tamagotchi" where yours say "Tamagotchi Connection". Should I submit this as a new shell?

The distinction between a shell being labeled with or without the "Connection" is a regional thing. Most North American Connection designs spell out Connection outright, whereas the same design in other regions may just say "Tamagotchi". This is mainly due to the fact that the name of this line varies from one region to another. As long as the rest of the shell is the same, I would not consider this a separate design.

Where do your images come from?

I try to use stock images where possible, but many were provided to me by fellow Tamagotchi fans (these images have a heart under them). A few, however, are images I saved over the years, and I unfortunately do not know where they came from. If there is an image on the site that is yours, please contact me, and I will credit you or remove it outright, based on your preference.

What does a letter in front of a color mean, like P-Purple?

Those are just my own abbreviations. "L-" means light, "T-" means translucent, and "P-" means pearlescent (or shiny).